Yesterday we had a group discussion, debating back and forth on the topic of the Rwandan genocide. I am a member of the National Revolutionary Movement for Development, debating back and forth with my fellow members we are stating the facts and proving that we were defending our country and doing nothing else. While sitting in the circle we had the bad idea of starting off, from then on in we were pointed the finger at for most of the violence that had happened. Debates are very new to me, im not the type of person that likes fighting, so I wasnt too excited and since I had a group that was for the violence happening in Rwanda I didnt know what questions would be fired at me and what I would respond with.
As far as debates go, I kind of enjoyed it but at the same time I think I wouldve had a better experience with a group that was against the killing of the Tutsis instead. I think its definitely a good way to explore what each group thinks and has to say about the issue we are trying to resolve.
My grouo the MRND was formed by Major - General Juvenal Habyarimana. The interahamwe was known as our “youth group” and were trained, armed, and indoctrinated into a racial hatred against the Tutsi civilians. The interahamwe had choices as to join this group or not. We believe that the Tutsi’s had shot down our leaders plane because they had intentions to invade our country, after being forced to leave theirs to take over once again and treat us Hutus as second class citizens in our own homeland. Many groups blame us for having the radio station that was simply the only way to communicate to other Hutus throughout Rwanda. It also was a chance to inform Hutus about the upcoming invasion headed our way and informed them to defend themselves and their country.
We didn’t cause this tragedy all groups are all to blame here. When warned the U.S. and the U.N. didnt step in and take nearly as many actions that they shouldve. The U.N.'s job is to keep peace among the countries and that definitely didnt happen in this situation. The U.S. wouldnt stop bringing up the tragedy in Somalia and said it was at a different time, well yeah obviously they happened at different times, what does this have to do with anything? We dont care with what happened in Somalia we care about you (U.S.) not helping with the Rwandan genocide. Like I said one group isnt to blame for this issue, all groups contributed wrong doing and little things to make a bigger problem leading to the result in the genocide.