In 20 days, my friend Katelyn and I will be landing in Myrtle Beach! Every year my family and I and usually one of my friends go on vacation to summer warm before the school year ends. We usually go to Florida but this year my mom wanted to do something different, my family has never been to Myrtle Beach so we’re really excited!
We are leaving on Thursday May 27th and staying until Monday May 31st. We are flying on Spirit airlines and leaving very early in the morning. Our
plane leaves around 7:00am which means we will probably be getting to the airport around 5am, but I know it will all be worth it! We are staying in a condo on the beach, I’m excited because I’m obsessed with sunsets especially on the beach and we will have a perfect view of them!
I haven’t flown anywhere since the recent “bomb threat” on Christmas Day and as a result security is even tighter... In my opinion I hate security, taking off your jackets and shoes and walking through a metal detector very early in the morning is not what I have in mind of fun. I realize that it’s for the safety of everyone in the airport, but I’ve been wondering how it’s changed since the last time I’ve flown back in March. I think once you get through security you can always rest easier, and I personally grow more excited for the trip I am about to take!
I love airports, not only because you’re flying somewhere out of the state! Also because of the people watching, you get all kinds of people, with all different kinds of styles of clothing, hairstyles, etc. And another one of the best parts is that they have a store for everything you could ever ask for! Clothing, candy, souvenirs, and of course food courts – taco bell, Mc Donald’s, even sometimes restaurants like TGI Fridays, Big Boys, etc.
We are flying back late at night on Memorial Day, around 8 or 9. We won’t land until a little after 10 and of course we have school the next day… Although we will be gone 5 days, I am only missing 2 days of school, Thursday and Friday! I am hoping that I won’t have too much homework and hopefully we will have good weather down there.