As I awoke too my iHome blaring “Shake it” by Metro Station, I grabbed the remote to turn the volume way down I dreaded getting up to get ready, I thought about laying in bed for another half hour and just wearing sweats to school but considering the fact I’ve been wearing sweatshirts ever since we started school, I decided against it but honestly I mean would it kill someone to turn the heat up in the building? Anyways, I got up a few minutes later walked into the bathroom and plugged my straightner in next was too decide my outfit since the weather predicted for cloudy skies and high winds, I decided on my skinny jeans and a tan t-shirt under a tan and yellow polka dotted sweater.
Once I was dressed I started on my hair, since I had straightened my hair the night before I just had to go over it a few times before I was ready to leave. I decided on pinning half of my hair back and letting the rest fall straight. Once finished perfecting my hair it was time for makeup. The usual foundation, bronzer, blush, eye shadow, eyeliner, mascara, and an occasional lip gloss was good for me, I went to reach for my perfume when I heard my phone go off; I ran to grab it and saw Katelyn was calling, I answered not knowing what to expect she had told me that Stevenson had no power and that we didn’t have school which was awesome because I could now look forward to two days off! One for the power outage and the next for conferences!
With a permanent smile on my face I skipped down the stairs to tell my mom the good news! Her attitude automatically changed to pure jealousy she went back to her exercise video will I continued back up the stairs I decided to change out of my clothes back into my pajamas. I layed back down in bed, grabbed the laptop and along with at least 30 other students immediately changed my facebook status to “no school!” After checking my farm I logged out, shut the laptop off and went downstairs. After a goodbye hug from my mom, she was on her way to work. I had looked in the cupboard and stumbled upon a brown cinnamon sugar pop tart which sounded good to me. I grabbed the pop tart and headed back upstairs to go back to bed and hopefully not wake up until lunchtime.
I basically did the same thing on that day also! I was all ready to go, but then I got a text saying we didn't have school so I went on facebook. Everyone had a status saying "NO SCHOOL!" and usually facebook is legit so I told my family and they were totally jealous too. Although I wasn't able to fall back asleep. :)
ReplyDeleteWhen my brother told me we didn't have school I didn't believe him at all. So I just kept getting ready. And I completely agree the school needs to be heated before we get there!